Determined Student.
Passionate Developer.

About Bruce


I am a third-year (junior) student at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. I am majoring in Computer Science with the Software Engineering Option and am also a Teaching Assistant for CPSC 310.


As a developer, I love to solve challenging problems and getting that feeling of accomplishment when I code. My signature project is a set of iOS Apps called SmarTEST. I have also successfully completed a summer internship with Amazon on their US Wireless team.

Technical Portfolio

Personal Projects

SmarTEST Apps

Two iOS Apps written in Objective-C and utilizing Facebook's Parse as the backend

Where The Recipe At?

A food image recognition iPhone app that lets you take a picture and recommends related recipes

WWDC Student Scholarship

An iPad App that was chosen by Apple as one of 200 winners from around the world

Bruce's ePortfolio

Your looking at it! This Website is written in HTML, CSS, and Javascript

Academic Projects

Allegro Music Store

A Database project using HTML/CSS/JS on the front and MySQL/PHP in the back

Code City

A Visualization of 2 Java Git Repos as a city using C# and Unity 3D

Where The Parking At

A Web App written in Java and hosted by Google App Engine

UBC Sustainability App

An Android Campus Navigation App written in Java using Eclipse

Résumé and Skills

Technical Skills


  • Java
  • Swift
  • Objective-C


  • C
  • C++
  • C#
  • MySQL
  • Javascript
  • Scheme/Racket


  • Matlab
  • PHP
  • Assembly

Teaching Assistant

  • CPSC 410: Advanced Software Engineering
  • CPSC 310: Software Engineering

CS Education Background


  • CPSC 410: Advanced Software Engineering
  • CPSC 313: Hardware and Operating Systems
  • CPSC 317: Internet Computing
  • CPSC 310: Software Engineering
  • CPSC 304: Relational Databases
  • CPSC 210: Software Construction


  • CPSC 421: Theory of Computing
  • CPSC 404: Advanced Relational Databases
  • CPSC 425: Computer Vision
  • CPSC 311: Programming Languages
  • CPSC 320: Algorithm Design and Analysis
  • CPSC 221: Data Structures and Algorithms
  • CPSC 213: Computer Systems

Currently taking

  • CPSC 340: Data Mining and Machine Learning
  • CPSC 344: Human Computer Interaction


Like what you see? Let's get in touch!

Copyright © 2015 Bruce Li